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Well, we made it about 2 blocks … someone liked to stay and chat to EVERYONE for a long time:

“This is a cool spider where did you get that. Is it real? Can I touch it? Is it dead?”

“Cindy wants the indians to win the world series and Ricky does too… Do you like baseball?”

“My dad made this with paper and cardboard… it kind of itches though. My mom didn’t make it. My dad made it. Then he painted it. It’s an Allosaurus. It has three claws.”

“How did you do that to your hair. I like your hat”

“Do you have kids… can i see them? What’s their names? Can i come inside for a little bit. I just want to see in your house.”

No one trick or treats in our neighborhood so they kept trying to get Jens to take handfuls of candy and trying to fill up his bag and he would put it all back and be like “Nope, No thanks, I don’t want it, STOP I don’t like that kiiiiiiiiind.”


Then theres Elon… who caught on to the whole candy business super fast. Grabbing fist full in each hand and you weren’t allowed to put any in the bag. He had to carry it all by himself.

He rolled off a two foot drop on one lady’s porch into the bush and bonked his head really good. Still clutched to his spoils. He would rifle through all their candy like a maniac throwing the stuff he didn’t want on the ground until he found one that was really shiny and then he would stop and keep that one. So we ended up with a lot of 3 musketeers 😟. Gross. And, you couldn’t make him stop or he would do his banshee scream… Everyone was like “oh she can have them… she looks so cute, bless her heart”

Funny kids.